Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coming of Age

I love Spring, especially in California where it's in the 80's in March!
I love Easter, chocolate, of course.
I love April. Why do I love April so much?
Because it's my Birthday!!!!!!!!

I know, you'd think after forty two of them I'd have gotten over the excitement, but no, April 2nd is still my absolutely favorite day of the year. I know I should probably love my kid's birthdays more, that Christmas should be the day I cherish the most 'cos that savior fellow was born, but I have to be honest (a truly Arien trait) nothing beats a day that's all about me!

I love being an Aries, something that everyone born under the sign does too. Why? Because we're the first sun sign, the pioneers of the zodiac and therefore the best...just ask any Arien!

Really though, we do have some good stuff going on; we're adventurous, energetic, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic, and quick-witted. On the dud end we are quick tempered impulsive, impatient, daredevils, and....clumsy.

Clumsy, as a word, doesn't quite cut it; I don't think there's a word in the English language that can give my clutsy, non-space-oriented, lack of awareness justice. So in my forty third year I am going to conquer this disability that I have lived with for far too long.

No more dropping the milk every time I take it out of the fridge door, no more falling in the canal when disembarking a canal boat...three times in a row!!!! No more showing a client a property on the side of a mountain, approaching the edge of the lot and sliding down fifty feet on my bottom, no more tripping waiters, or cameramen, or fire-eaters, and absolutely no more missing my mouth...I'll be forty three, time to take control.

Clumsy you're gone!

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Blogger Steph said...

Uhuh! Good luck with that Cat!

April 1, 2010 at 7:27 AM  
Blogger C.L.J. said...

Happy Birthday, Cat! And I've always thought you were a most graceful klutz.

April 1, 2010 at 4:48 PM  

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